Duaa Kumail

دعاء كميل

اللّـهمَّ إنّي أَسأَلك برحمتك الَّتي وسعت كلَّ شيء، وبقوَّتك الَّتي قهرت بها كلَّ شيء، وخضع لها كلُّ شيء، وذلَّ لها كلُّ شيء، وبجبروتك الَّتي غلبت بها كلَّ شيء، وبعزَّتك الَّتي لا يقوم لها شيء، وبعظمتك الَّتي ملأت كلَّ شيء، وبسلطانك الَّذي علا كلَّ شيء، وبوجهك الباقي بعد فناء كلِّ شيء، وبأَسمائِك الَّتي ملأت أركان كلِّ شيء، وبعلمك الَّذي أحاط بكلِّ شيء، وبنور وجهك الَّذي أضاء له كلُّ شيء، يا نور يا قدُّوس، يا أوَّل الاْوَّلين ويا آخر الآخرين

O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, which encompasses all things,

And by Your power, through which You dominate all things,

And to which all things submit, and before which all things are humble.

And by Your might, through which You have overcome all things,

And by Your majesty, against which nothing can stand up.

And by Your greatness, which fills all things.

And by Your authority, which towers over all things.

And by Your face, which subsists after the annihilation of all things.

And by Your Names, which have filled the foundations of all things.

And by Your knowledge, which encompasses all things.

And by the light of Your face, through which all things are illuminated!

O Light! O All-Holy! O First of the first and Last of the last!

اللّهمَّ اغفر لي الذُّنوب الَّتي تهتك العصم، اللّـهمَّ اغفـر لي الذُّنوب الَّتي تنزل النِّقم، اللّهمَّ اغفر لي الذُّنوب الَّتي تغيِّـر النِّعم، اللّـهمَّ اغفر لي الذُّنوب الَّتي تحبس الدُّعاء، اللّـهمَّ اغفر لي الذُّنوب الَّتي تنزل البلاء، اللّهمَّ اغفر لي كلَّ ذنب أذنبته، وكلَّ خطيئَة أخطأتها، اللّهمَّ انّي اتقرَّب اليك بذكرك، واستشفع بك إلى نفسك، وأَسأَلك بجودك أن تدنيني من قربك، وأن توزعني شكرك، وأن تلهمني ذكرك.

اللّهمَّ إنّي أَسأَلك سؤال خاضع متذلِّل خاشع أن تسامحني وترحمني وتجعلني بقسمك راضيا قانعا وفي جميع الاْحوال متواضعا، اللّهمَّ وأَسأَلك سؤال من اشتدَّت فاقته، وأنزل بك عند الشَّدائِد حاجته، وعظم فيما عندك رغبته، اللّـهمَّ عظم سلطانك وعلا مكانك وخفي مكرك وظهر أمرك وغلب قهرك وجرت قدرتك ولا يمكن الفرار من حكومتك، اللّهمَّ لا أجد لذنوبي غافرا، ولا لقبائِحي ساترا، ولا لشيء من عملي القبيح بالحسن مبدِّلا غيرك لا الـه إلاّ انت سبحانك وبحمدك ظلمت نفسي، وتجرَّأْت بجهلي وسكنت إلى قديم ذكرك لي ومنِّك عليَّ

O Allah, forgive me the sins that tear apart safeguards!

O Allah, forgive me the sins that bring down adversities!

O Allah, forgive me the sins that alter blessings!

O Allah, forgive me the sins that hold back supplication!

O Allah, forgive me the sins that draw down tribulation!

O Allah, forgive me every sin I have committed and every mistake I have made!

O Allah, I endeavor to draw near to You through remembrance of You,

And I seek intercession from You with You,

And I ask You through Your generosity to bring me nearer to Your proximity,

And to guide me to gratitude towards You,

And to inspire me with Your remembrance.

O Allah, I ask You with the asking of a submissive, abased and lowly servant,

To show me forbearance, have mercy on me,

And make me satisfied and content with Your apportionment,

And humble in every state.

O Allah, I ask You with the asking of one whose indigence is extreme,

And who has stated to You in difficulties his need,

And whose desire for what is with You has become great.

O Allah, Your force is tremendous,

Your place is lofty,

Your plan is hidden,

Your command is manifest,

And Your domination is overwhelming.

Your power is unhindered, and escape from Your governance is impossible.

O Allah, I find no forgiver of my sins,

Nor concealer of my ugly acts,

Nor transformer of any of my ugly acts into good acts but You.

There is no god but You! Glory be to You, and Yours is the praise.

I have wronged myself, And I have been audacious in my ignorance,

And I have depended upon Your ancient remembrance of me and Your favor toward me.



اللّهمَّ مولاي كم من قبيح سترته وكم من فادح من البلاء أقلته وكم من عثار وقيته، وكم من مكروه دفعته، وكم من ثناء جميل لست أهلا له نشرته، اللّهمَّ عظم بلائي أافرط بي سوء حالي، وقصرت بي أعمالي وقعدت بي أغلالي وحبسني عن نفعي بعد أملي، وخدعتني الدُّنيا بغرورها، ونفسي بجنايتها  ومطالي يا سيِّدي فأَسأَلك بعزَّتك أن لا يحجب عنك دعائي سوء عملي وفعالي، ولا تفضحني بخفي ما اطَّلعت عليه من سرّى، ولا تعاجلني بالعقوبة على ما عملته في خلواتي من سوء فعلي وإساءتي ودوام تفريطي وجهالتي وكثرة شهواتي وغفلتي

O Allah! O my Protector! How many ugly things You have concealed!

How many burdensome tribulations You have abolished!

How many stumbles You have prevented!

How many ordeals You have repelled!

And how much beautiful praise, for which I was unworthy, You have spread abroad!

O Allah, my tribulation is tremendous, and my bad state is excessive, and my acts are inadequate,

And my fetters have tied me down, and my far-fetched hopes have held me back from my gain,

And this world with its delusions, my own soul with its offenses, and my delay have deceived me.

My Master! So I ask You by Your might not to let my evil works and acts veil my supplication from You,

And not to disgrace me through the hidden things You know of my secrets,

And not to hasten me to punishment for what I have done in private:

My evil acts in secrecy and my misdeeds,

My continuous negligence,

My ignorance,

My manifold passions,

And my forgetfulness.


وكن اللّهمَّ بعزَّتك لي في كلِّ الاْحوال  رؤوفا وعلي في جميع الاْمور عطوفا إلـهي وربّي من لي غيرك أَسأَله كشف ضرّي والنَّظر في امري، إلهي ومولاي أجريت علي حكما اتَّبعت فيه هوى نفسي ولم أحترس فيه من تزيين عدوّي، فغرَّني بما أهوى وأسعده على ذلك القضاء فتجاوزت بما جرى علي من ذلك بعض حدودك، وخالفت بعض أوامرك فلك الحمد علي في جميع ذلك ولا حجَّة لي فيما جرى عليَّ فيه قضاؤُك وألزمني حكمك وبلاؤُك، وقد أتيتك يا إلـهي بعد تقصيري وإسرافي على نفسي معتذرا نادما منكسرا مستقيلا مستغفرا منيبا مقرّا مذعنا معترفا لا أجد مفرّا ممّا كان منّي ولا مفزعا أتوجَّه إليه في أمري غير قبولك عذري وإدخالك ايّاي في سعة من رحمتك

O Allah, be kind to me through Your mercy in all my states,

And be gentle to me in all my affairs!

O my God and my Lord! Have I any but You from whom to ask the lift of my affliction and regard for my affairs?

O my God and my Master! You have imposed upon me a rule followed by my caprice,

And I have not been on guard against the embellishment of my enemy,

So he deluded me through my soul’s inclinations,

And fate helped him in that,

So I transgressed some of Your limits,

And disobeyed some of Your commands.

So to You is the praise from me in all of that,

And I have no argument in what occurred through Your judgment and Your decree.

But now I have come to You,

O my God, after my shortcoming and my immoderation toward myself,

Proffering my excuse, Regretting, Broken, Apologizing, Asking forgiveness, Repenting, Acknowledging, Submissive, Confessing.

I find no place to flee from what occurred from me,

Nor any place of escape to which I may turn in my affairs,

Other than Your acceptance of my excuse and Your entering me into the compass of Your mercy.


اللّـهمَّ  فاقبل عذري وارحم شدَّة ضرّي وفكَّني من شدِّ وثاقي، يا ربِّ ارحم ضعف بدني ورقَّة جلدي ودقَّة عظمي، يا من بدأَ خلقي وذكري وتربيتي وبرّى وتغذيتي هبني لابـتداء كرمك وسالف برِّك بي يا ؛لـهي وسيِّدي وربّي، أتراك معذبي بنارك بعد توحيدك وبعد ما انطوى عليه قلبي من معرفتك ولهج به لساني من ذكرك، واعتقده ضميري من حبِّك، وبعد صدق اعترافي ودعائي خاضعا لربوبيَّتك، هيهات انت اكرم من ان تضيِّع من ربَّيته او تبعد (تبعِّد) من ادنيته او تشرِّد من اويته او تسلِّم الى البلاء من كفيته ورحمته، وليت شعرى يا سيِّدي والـهي ومولاي اتسلِّط النّار على وجوه خرَّت لعظمتك ساجدة، وعلى السن نطقت بتوحيدك صادقة، وبشكرك مادحة، وعلى قلوب اعترفت بالهيَّتك محقِّقة، وعلى ضمائِر حوت من العلم بك حتّى صارت خاشعة، وعلى جوارح سعت الى اوطان تعبُّدك طائِعة واشارت باستغفارك مذعنة، ما هكذا الظَّنُّ بك ولا اخبرنا بفضلك عنك يا كريم

O Allah, so accept my apology, have mercy upon the severity of my affliction, and release me from the bondage of my chains.

O Lord, have mercy on the frailty of my body, the thinness of my skin, and the brittleness of my bones.

O You who initiated my creation, my remembrance, my upbringing, my sustenance, and my nourishment.

Grant me through Your ancient generosity and Your prior kindness to me.

O my God, my Master, and my Lord, do You see Yourself punishing me with Your fire after my belief in Your Oneness?

And after what my heart has embraced of Your knowledge and what my tongue has spoken of Your remembrance?

And after what my conscience has affirmed of my love for You, and the truthfulness of my confession and my supplication in humility to Your Lordship?

Far be it from You! You are more generous than to abandon one You have nurtured, or to distance one You have brought near.

Or to drive away one You have sheltered, or to hand over to tribulation one You have protected and shown mercy.

Would that I knew, O my Master, my God, and my Protector, Shall You set fire upon faces that have fallen prostrate in worship of Your greatness?

And upon tongues that have spoken sincerely of Your Oneness and praised You in gratitude?

And upon hearts that have acknowledged Your Divinity with certainty?

And upon consciences that have encompassed knowledge of You until they have become humbled?

And upon limbs that have raced towards the places of Your worship in obedience and indicated their seeking forgiveness in submission?

This is not what is expected of You, nor what has been conveyed about Your grace, O Generous One,

 يا ربِّ وأنت تعلم ضعفي عن قليل من بلاء الدُّنيا وعقوباتها وما يجري فيها من المكاره على اهلها، على انَّ ذلك بلاء ومكروه قليل مكثه، يسير بقاؤُه، قصير مدَّته فكيف احتمالي لبلاء الآخرة وجليل  وقوع المكاره فيها وهو بلاء تطول مدَّته ويدوم مقامه ولا يخفَّف عن اهله لاِنَّه لا يكون إلاّ عن غضبك وانتقامك وسخطك، وهذا ما لا تقوم له السَّمـاوات والاْرض يا سيِّدي فكيف لي  وانا عبدك الضَّعيـف الـذَّليـل الحقيـر المسكيـن المستكين، يا الهي وربّي وسيِّدي ومولاي لاِيِّ الاْمور اليك اشكو ولما منها اضجُّ وابكي لاِليم العذاب وشدَّته، ام لطول البلاء ومدَّته،

O Lord, And You know my weakness before the small tribulations of this world and its punishments.

And the adversities that befall its inhabitants.

Even though such tribulations and adversities are short-lived, their duration brief, and their persistence minor.

So how can I endure the tribulations of the Hereafter and the great adversities that occur within it?

For it is a tribulation whose duration is prolonged, whose stay is everlasting, and it is not lightened for its inhabitants.

As it is brought about only by Your wrath, Your vengeance, and Your displeasure.

And this is something that neither the heavens nor the earth can withstand, O my Master.

So what about me, while I am Your weak servant, humble, insignificant, impoverished, and helpless?

O my God, my Lord, my Master, and my Protector, for which matters shall I complain to You?

And for which shall I lament and weep?

For the pain of torment and its severity? Or for the length of affliction and its duration?


فلئِن صيَّرتنى للعقوبات مع اعدائِك وجمعت بيني وبين اهل بلائِك وفرَّقت بيني وبين احبّائِك واوليائِك، فهبني يا الـهى وسيِّدي ومولاي وربّي صبرت على عذابك فكيف اصبر على فراقك، وهبني (يا الـهي) صبرت على حرِّ نارك فكيف اصبر عن النَّظر الى كرامتك ام كيف اسكن في النّار ورجائي عفوك فبعزَّتك


If you  throw me down there with Your enemies

 and gather med with the companions of Your tribulation,

And separate me from Your friends and saints,

Then suppose, my God, my Master, my Protector, and my Lord,

That I am able to endure Your punishment,

How can I endure separation from You?

And suppose that I am able to endure the heat of Your Fire,

How can I endure not gazing upon Your Honor?

Or how can I dwell in the Fire while my hope is Your pardon?



يا سيِّدى ومولاي اقسم صادقا لئِن تركتني ناطقا لاِضجَّنَّ اليك بين اهلها ضجيج الاملين  ولاصرخنَّ اليك صراخ المستصرخين، ولابكينَّ عليك بكاء الفاقدين، ولاَنادينَّك اين كنت يا وليَّ المؤْمنين، يا غاية آمال العارفين، يا غياث المستغيثين، يا حبيب قلوب الصّادقين، ويا اله العالمين، افتراك سبحانك يا الهى وبحمدك تسمع فيها صوت عبد مسلم سجن (يسجن) فيها بمخالفته، وذاق طعم عذابها بمعصيته وحبس بين اطباقها بجرمه وجريرته وهو يضجُّ اليك ضجيج مؤَمِّل لرحمتك، ويناديك بلسان اهل توحيدك، ويتوسَّل اليك بربوبيَّتك، يا مولاي فكيف يبقى في العذاب وهو يرجو ما سلف من حلمك، ام كيف تؤْلمه النّار وهو يأْمل فضلك ورحمتك ام كيف يحرقه لهيبها وانت تسمع صوته وترى مكانه ام كيف يشتمل عليه زفيرها وانت تعلم ضعفه، ام كيف يتقلقل بين اطباقها وانت تعلم صدقه، ام كيف تزجره زبانيتها وهو يناديك يا ربَّه، ام كيف يرجو فضلك في عتقه منها فتتركه فيها

So by Your might, my Master and my protector,

I swear sincerely, If You leave me with speech,

I will lament to You from the midst of the Fire's inhabitants with the lamentation of the hopeful.

I will cry to You with the cry of those crying for help.

I will weep to You with the weeping of the bereft.

And I will call to You, “Where are You, O Protector of the believers,

O Goal of the hopes of those who know You,

O Aid of those who seek assistance,

O Beloved of the hearts of the truthful,

And O God of all the worlds!”

Will You see Yourself—glory be to You, my God, and Your is the praise—

Hearing within the Fire the voice of a servant who surrendered to You,

Imprisoned there because of his violations,

Tasting the flavor of its torment because of his disobedience,

And confined within its levels because of his sin and crime?

While he laments to You with the lamentation of one hopeful for Your mercy,

And calls upon You with the tongue of those who profess Your unity,

And entreats You by Your lordship,

O my Master! How should he remain in the punishment while he has hope for Your past clemency?

Or how should the Fire cause him pain while he expects Your bounty and mercy?

Or how should its flames burn him while You hear his voice and see his place?

Or how should its groaning encompass him while You know his weakness?

Or how should he be convulsed among its levels while You know his sincerity?

Or how should its keepers torture him while he calls out to You: O Lord?

Or how should he have hope of Your bounty in freeing him from it while You abandon him within it?




هيهات ما ذلك الظَّن بك ولا المعروف من فضلك ولا مشبه لما عاملت به الموحِّدين من برِّك واحسانك، فباليقين اقطع لولا ما حكمت به من تعذيب جاحديك، وقضيت به من اخلاد معانديك لجعلت النّار كلَّها بردا وسلاما وما كانت لاِحد فيها مقرّا ولا مقاما لكنَّك تقدَّست اسماؤُك اقسمت ان تملاها من الكافرين من الجنَّة والنّاس اجمعين، وان تخلِّد فيها المعاندين وانت جلَّ ثناؤُك قلت مبتدئا، وتطوَّلت بالاًنعام متكرِّما افمن كان مؤْمنا كمن كان فاسقا لا يستوون،

Far be it from You! That is not what is hoped for from You,

Nor what is well-known of Your bounty,

Nor does it resemble the goodness and kindness You have shown to those who profess Your unity.

So I declare with certainty that,

Were it not for what You have decreed concerning the chastisement of Your deniers,

And what You have foreordained concerning the everlasting home of those who stubbornly resist,

You would make the Fire, all of it, coolness and safety,

And no one would have a stop or abode within it.

But You—holy are Your Names—

Have sworn that You will fill it with the unbelievers,

Both jinn and humankind,

And that You will place those who stubbornly resist therein forever.

And You—majestic is Your praise—

Said at the beginning and continued graciously through kindness as a favor:

“Is he who has been a believer like him who has been ungodly? They are not equal.”


 الهى وسيِّدى فأَسأَلك بالقدرة الَّتى قدَّرتها، وبالقضيَّة الَّتي حتمتها وحكمتها وغلبت من عليه اجريتها ان تهب لى فى هذه اللَّيلة وفي هذه السّاعة كلَّ جرم اجرمته، وكلَّ ذنب اذنبته، وكلَّ قبيح اسررته، وكلَّ جهل عملته، كتمته او اعلنته اخفيته او اظهرته، وكلَّ سيِّئَة امرت باثباتها الكرام الكاتبين الَّذين وكَّلتهم بحفظ ما يكون منّي وجعلتهم شهودا عليَّ مع جوارحي، وكنت انت الرَّقيب عليَّ من ورائِهم، والشّاهد لما خفي عنهم، وبرحمتك اخفيته، وبفضلك سترته، وان توفِّر حظّي من كلِّ خير انزلته  او احسان فضَّلته او برٍّ نشرته  او رزق بسطته  او ذنب تغفره او خطأ تستره،

So my God and my Master,

I implore You by the power You have apportioned,

And by the decision You have determined and imposed,

And through which You have overcome whom it has been put into effect,

That You forgive me in this night and at this hour,

Every offense I have committed,

And every sin I have performed,

And every ugliness I have concealed,

And every ignorance I have enacted,

Whether I have hidden it or announced it,

Whether I have concealed it or manifested it,

And every sin that you commanded the honorable prescribers to proof it.

And every evil act which You have commanded the Noble Recorders to record.

Those whom You have appointed to watch over what appears from me,

And whom You have made, along with my bodily members, witnesses against me,

And You Yourself were watchful over me behind them,

And a witness to what was hidden from them—

But through Your mercy You concealed it,

And through Your bounty You veiled it.

And I ask You that You bestow upon me an abundance of every good You have sent down,

Or goodness You are about to send down,

And righteous conduct You have spread out,

And provisions you have distributed,

And sins You forgive,

And mistakes You cover.


يا ربِّ يا ربِّ يا ربِّ يا الهي وسيِّدي ومولاي ومالك رقّى، يا من بيده ناصيتى يا عليما بضرّى ومسكنتى، يا خبيرا بفقرى وفاقتى يا ربِّ يا ربِّ يا ربِّ أَسأَلك بحقِّك وقدسك واعظم صفاتك واسمائِك ان تجعل اوقاتي من اللَّيل والنَّهار بذكرك معمورة، وبخدمتك موصولة، واعمالى عندك مقبولة حتّى تكون اعمالي واورادى  كلُّها وردا واحدا وحالى فى خدمتك سرمدا، يا سيِّدي يا من عليه معوَّلي يا من اليه شكوت احوالي يا ربِّ يا ربِّ يا ربِّ، قوِّ على خدمتك جوارحى واشدد على العزيمة جوانحي وهب لي الجدَّ في خشيتك، والدَّوام في الاْتِّصال بخدمتك، حتّى اسرح اليك في ميادين السّابقين واسرع اليك في البارزين واشتاق الى قربك في المشتاقين وادنو منك دنوَّ الْمخلصين، واخافك مخافة الموقنين، واجتمع فى جوارك مع المؤْمنين

O my Lord! O my Lord! O my Lord!

My God, my Master, my Protector, and Owner of my freedom!

O He who my forelock is in His grip.

O He who knows my affliction and my misery!

O He who is aware of my poverty and indigence!

O my Lord! O my Lord! O my Lord!

I ask You by Your right, and by Your holiness,

And by the greatest of Your attributes and names,

That You make my times in the night and the day filled with Your remembrance, And constantly at Your service,

And my acts acceptable to You, So that my acts and my litanies may all be a single litany,

And my occupation with Your service everlasting.

O my Master, O You upon whom I rely,

O You to whom I have complained of my conditions.

Strengthen my limbs for Your service,

And fortify my ribs with determination,

And grant me earnestness in my fear of You,

And continuity in my being joined to Your service,

So that I may advance toward You in the forefront,

And be swift toward You in the race,

And yearn for Your proximity among the fervently yearning,

And draw near to You with the nearness of the sincere,

And fear You with the fear of those who have certainty,

And gather with the believers in Your presence.


 اللّهمَّ ومن ارادني بسوء فارده ومن كادني فكده، واجعلني من احسن عبيدك نصيبا عندك، واقربهم منزلة منك، واخصِّهم زلفة لديك، فانَّه لا ينال ذلك إلاّ بفضلك، وجد لي بجودك واعطف عليَّ بمجدك واحفظني برحمتك، واجعل لسانى بذكرك لهجا وقلبي بحبِّك متيَّما ومنَّ عليَّ بحسن اجابتك، واقلني عثرتي واغفر زلَّتي، فانَّك قضيت على عبادك بعبادتك، وامرتهم بدعائِك، وضمنت لهم الاْجابة، فاليك يا ربِّ نصبت وجهي واليك يا ربِّ مددت يدي، فبعزَّتك استجب لي دعائي وبلِّغني مناي ولا تقطع من فضلك رجائي، واكفني شرَّ الجنِّ والاْنس من اعدائي، يا سريع الرِّضا اغفر لمن لا يملك إلاّ الدُّعاء فانَّك فعّال لما تشاء، يا من اسمه دواء وذكره شفاء وطاعته غنى، ارحم من رأْس ماله الرَّجاء وسلاحه البكاء، يا سابـغ النِّعم، يا دافع النِّقم، يا نور المستوحشين في الظُّلم، يا عالما لا يعلَّم، صلِّ على محمَّد وآل محمَّد وافعل بي ما انت اهله وصلَّى الله على رسوله والاْئِمَّة الميامين من آله  وسلَّم تسليما كثيرا

O Allah,

Whoever desires evil for me, desire it for him,

And whoever deceives me, deceive him.

And make me one of the most excellent of Your servants in portion from You,

And the nearest of them in station to You,

And the most elected of them in proximity to You,

For that cannot be attained except by Your bounty.

And grant generously to me through Your munificence,

And incline toward me with Your splendor,

And protect me with Your mercy,

And make my tongue remember You unceasingly,

And my heart enthralled by Your love,

And be gracious to me by answering me favorably,

And nullify my slips,

And forgive my lapses.

For You have decreed Your worship for Your servants,

And commanded them to supplicate You,

And assured them that they would be answered.

So toward You, my Lord, I have turned my face,

And toward You, my Lord, I have extended my hand.

So by Your might, respond to my supplication,

And let me attain my wishes.

Do not sever my hope from Your favors,

And spare me the evil of my enemies—

From among the jinn and humankind.

O He whose pleasure is quickly achieved!

Forgive one who owns nothing but supplication,

For You do what You will.

O He whose name is a remedy,

And whose remembrance is a cure,

And whose obedience brings needlessness!

Have mercy upon one whose capital is hope,

And whose weapon is tears.

O You of boundless bounty!

O You who avert affliction!

O Light of those who are lonely in darkness!

O You who know without being taught!

Send your blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad,

And do to me what is worthy of You.

And may Allah send blessings upon His Messenger and the noble Imams from his progeny, and grant them abundant peace.


Mosbah Al-Mojtahid V.2 P.844