Before Ashura
During the Messenger of Allah’s Lifetime
During Amir Al-Mu’meneen’s Imamate
The Events of the Captivation and the Return to The Madina
From Karbala to Kufa and the Events of Kufa
From Kufa to Sham and the Events in Sham
Events from leaving Medina to the his Martyrdom
Departing from Medina to Makka
His companions in Kufa before Ashura
The Path Between Makka and Karbalaa
Virtues of the Martyrs of Karbalaa
The Stories of the Martyrs of Karbalaa
The Marytrdom of Sayyid Shuhadaa
Events and Miracles after the Martyrdom
His burial and that on the martrys of Karbalaa and what happened to their holy heads
The Punishment of his Killers in the Worldly Life and Hereafter