An overview of his life

ولد الإمام الحسن × بالمدينة المنورة ليلة النصف من شهر رمضان وذلك في عام الثالث بعد الهجرة على المشهور.

عاش مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله سبع سنين, وبعده مع أبيه أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ثلاثين عاما, وكانت مدة إمامته تسع سنين.

أمه: الصديقة الكبرى, سيدة نساء العالمين, الشهيدة المظلومة, الراضية المرضية, حضرة السيدة فاطمة الزهراء سلام الله وصلواته عليها.

كنيته: أبو محمد, وأبو القاسم.

ألقابه: المجتبى, السيد, والسبط, والأمير, والحجة, والبر, والتقي, والأثير, والزكي, والسبط الأول, والزاهد.

أولاده: عبد الله وعمر والقاسم أمهم أم ولد, والحسين الأثرم والحسن أمهما خولة بنت منظور الفزارية, وعقيل والحسن أمهما أم بشير بنت أبي مسعود الخزرجية, وزيد وعمر من الثقفية وعبد الرحمن من أم ولد وطلحة وأبو بكر أمهما أم إسحاق بنت طلحة التميمي, وأحمد وإسماعيل والحسن الأصغر ابنته أم الحسن فقط عند عبد الله ويقال وأم الحسين وكانتا من أم بشير الخزاعية, وفاطمة من أم إسحاق بنت طلحة, وأم عبد الله وأم سلمة ورقية لأمهات أولاد.

وقتل مع الحسين × من أولاده عبد الله والقاسم وأبو بكر.

والمعقبون من أولاده اثنان: زيد بن الحسن والحسن بن الحسن.


وقد سماه الله تعالى بالحسن كما روي عن الإمام علي بن الحسين × قال: لما ولدت السيدة فاطمة × الإمام الحسن ×، قالت لعلي ×: سمه، فقال الإمام ×: ما كنت لأسبق باسمه رسول الله |. فلما جاء النبي| قال لعلي ×: هل سميته؟ فقال: ما كنت لأسبقك باسمه, فقال|: ما كنت لأسبق باسمه ربي عز وجل، فأوحى الله تبارك وتعالى إلى جبرائيل أنه قد ولد لمحمد | ابن فاهبط وأقرئه السلام وهنئه، وقل له: إن عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى، فسمه باسم ابن هارون، فهبط جبرائيل× فهنأه من الله عز وجل، ثم قال: إن الله عز وجل يأمرك أن تسميه باسم ابن هارون, قال: وما كان اسمه؟ قال: شبر، قال: لساني عربي، قال: سمه الحسن، فسماه الحسن. فلما ولد الحسين × أوحى الله عز وجل إلى جبرئيل × أنه قد ولد لمحمد | ابن فاهبط إليه فهنئه وقل له إن عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى, فسمه باسم ابن هارون, قال: فهبط جبرئيل × فهنأه من الله تبارك وتعالى, ثم قال: إن عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى, فسمه باسم ابن هارون, قال: وما اسمه؟ قال: شبير, قال: لساني عربي, قال: سمه الحسين, فسماه الحسين.

(الأمالي للصدوق ص 134)


واشتهر عليه السلام بكثرة الكرم, وقد ورد في ذلك قصص كثيرة, منها ما روي عن أبي جعفر المدائني في حديث طويل: خرج الحسن والحسين ‘ وعبد الله بن جعفر حجاجا, ففاتتهم أثقالهم فجاعوا وعطشوا, فرأوا في بعض الشعوب خباء رثا وعجوزا, فاستسقوها فقالت: اطلبوا هذه الشويهة, ففعلوا واستطعموها, فقالت: ليس‏ إلا هي, فليقم أحدكم فليذبحها حتى أصنع لكم طعاما, فذبحها أحدهم ثم شوت لهم من لحمها وأكلوا وقيلوا عندها, فلما نهضوا قالوا لها: نحن نفر من قريش نريد هذا الوجه, فإذا انصرفنا وعدنا فالممي بنا فإنا صانعون لك خيرا, ثم رحلوا, فلما جاء زوجها وعرف الحال أوجعها ضربا, ثم مضت الأيام فأضرت بها الحال فرحلت حتى اجتازت بالمدينة, فبصر بها الحسن × فأمر لها بألف شاة, وأعطاها ألف دينار, وبعث معها رسولا إلى الحسين × فأعطاها مثل ذلك, ثم بعثها إلى عبد الله بن جعفر فأعطاها مثل ذلك.

(مناقب آل أبي طالب ج 4 ص 16)


وقد شارك عليه السلام في جميع حروب أبيه عليه السلام, وكان هو عليه السلام الذي قتل الجمل في معركة الجمل برمحه, فعلى يديه كانت الانتصار في هذه المعركة.


وبعد شهادة أبيه عليه السلام بويع بالخلافة الظاهرية وكانت مدة إمامته تسع سنين.


وبعد البيعة كثر الخذلان في جيشه وحتى قد خانه قائد جيشه وهو عبيد الله بن العباس لعنه الله, وهو ابن عم أبيه عليه السلام, وبسبب خذلان جيشه وقد طعن بفخذه الشريفة, وقد ذكر ذلك الشيخ المفيد فقال, أراد الإمام الحسن × أن يمتحن أصحابه ويستبرئ أحوالهم في الطاعة له، ليتميز بذلك أولياؤه من أعدائه، ويكون على بصيرة في لقاء معاوية وأهل الشام، فأمر أن ينادي في الناس بالصلاة جامعة، فاجتمعوا فصعد المنبر فخطبهم فقال: الحمد لله بكل ما حمده حامد، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله كلما شهد له شاهد، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله، أرسله بالحق وائتمنه على الوحي |. أما بعد: فوالله إني لأرجو أن أكون قد أصبحت - بحمد الله عنه - وأنا أنصح خلق الله لخلقه، وما أصبحت محتملا على مسلم ضغينة ولا مريدا له بسوء ولا غائلة، ألا وإن ما تكرهون في الجماعة خير لكم مما تحبون في الفرقة، ألا وإني ناظر لكم خيرا من نظركم لأنفسكم فلا تخالفوا أمري، ولا تردوا علي رأيي، غفر الله لي ولكم وأرشدني وإياكم لما فيه المحبة والرضا. قال: فنظر الناس بعضهم إلى بعض وقالوا: ما ترونه يريد بما قال؟ قالوا: نظنه والله يريد أن يصالح معاوية ويسلم الأمر إليه، فقالوا: كفر والله الرجل، ثم شدوا على فسطاطه فانتهبوه، حتى أخذوا مصلاه من تحته، ثم شد عليه عبد الرحمن بن عبد الله بن جعال الأزدي فنزع مطرفه عن عاتقه، فبقي جالسا متقلدا السيف بغير رداء. ثم دعا بفرسه فركبه، وأحدق به طوائف من خاصته وشيعته ومنعوا منه من أراده، فقال: ادعوا إلي ربيعة وهمدان فدعوا له فأطافوا به ودفعوا الناس عنه. وسار ومعه شوب من الناس، فلما مر في مظلم ساباط بدر إليه رجل من بني أسد يقال له: الجراح بن سنان، فأخذ بلجام بغلته وبيده مغول وقال: الله أكبر، أشركت يا حسن كما أشرك أبوك من قبل، ثم طعنه في فخذه فشقه حتى بلغ العظم، فاعتنقه الحسن × وخرا جميعا إلى الأرض، فوثب إليه رجل من شيعة الحسن × يقال له: عبد الله بن خطل الطائي، فانتزع المغول من يده وخضخض به جوفه، وأكب عليه آخر يقال له: ظبيان بن عمارة، فقطع أنفه، فهلك من ذلك. وأخذ آخر كان معه فقتل. وحمل الحسن × على سرير إلى المدائن.

(الإرشاد ج 2 ص 11)


وبعد ما جرى عليه اجبر على الصلح مع معاوية من أجل حفظ الشيعة وبقاء الإسلام, وقد ورد عن أبي جعفر × قال: جاء رجل من أصحاب الحسن × يقال له: سفيان بن ليلى, وهو على راحلة له, فدخل على الحسن وهو محتب في فناء داره, فقال له: السلام عليك يا مذل المؤمنين, فقال له الحسن ×: انزل ولا تعجل, فنزل فعقل راحلته في الدار, وأقبل يمشي حتى انتهى إليه, قال: فقال له الحسن ×: ما قلت؟ قال: قلت: السلام عليك يا مذل المؤمنين, قال ×: وما علمك بذلك؟ قال: عمدت إلى أمر الأمة, فخلعته من عنقك وقلدته هذا الطاغية يحكم بغير ما أنزل الله, قال: فقال له الحسن ×: سأخبرك لم فعلت ذلك, قال ×: سمعت أبي × يقول: قال رسول الله |: لن تذهب الأيام والليالي حتى يلي أمر هذه الأمة رجل واسع البلعوم, رحب الصدر, يأكل ولا يشبع, وهو معاوية, فلذلك فعلت. ما جاء بك؟ قال: حبك, قال: الله قال: الله, فقال الحسن ×: والله لا يحبنا عبد أبدا, ولو كان أسيرا في الديلم إلا نفعه حبنا, وإن حبنا ليساقط الذنوب من بني آدم كما يساقط الريح الورق من الشجر.

(الاختصاص ص 82)


وأبضا عن محمد بن مسلم، عن أبي جعفر × قال: والله للذي صنعه الحسن ابن علي × كان خيرا لهذه الأمة مما طلعت عليه الشمس والله لقد نزلت هذه الآية {ألم تر إلى الذين قيل لهم كفوا أيديكم وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة} إنما هي طاعة الامام, وطلبوا القتال, {فلما كتب عليهم القتال} مع الحسين × {قالوا ربنا لم كتبت علينا القتال لولا أخرتنا إلى أجل قريب} {نجب دعوتك ونتبع الرسل} أرادوا تأخير ذلك إلى القائم ×.

(الكافي ج 8 ص 330)


شهادته: استشهد عليه السلام في السابع من صفر في عام خمسين بعد الهجرة, وقال الشيخ المفيد: لما استقر الصلح بين الحسن × ومعاوية, خرج الحسن × إلى المدينة, فأقام بها كاظما غيظه, لازما منزله, منتظرا لأمر ربه عز وجل, إلى أن تم لمعاوية عشر سنين من إمارته, وعزم على البيعة لابنه يزيد, فدس إلى جعدة بنت الأشعث بن قيس, وكانت زوجة الحسن × من حملها على سمه, وضمن لها أن يزوجها بابنه يزيد, فأرسل إليها مائة ألف درهم, فسقته جعدة السم, فبقي‏ أربعين يوما مريضا, ومضى لسبيله في شهر صفر خمسين من الهجرة, وله يومئذ ثماني وأربعون سنة, وكانت خلافته عشر سنين, وتولى أخوه ووصيه الحسين × غسله, وتكفينه, ودفنه عند جدته فاطمة بنت أسد بن هاشم بن عبد مناف رضي الله عنها بالبقيع‏.

(الإرشاد ج 2 ص 15)

وروي أن الصادق × قال: لما حضرت الحسن بن علي × الوفاة بكى بكاء شديدا, وقال ×: إني أقدم على أمر عظيم, وهول لم أقدم على مثله قط, ثم أوصى أن يدفنوه بالبقيع, فقال ×: يا أخي, احملني على سريري إلى قبر جدي رسول الله | لأجدد به عهدي, ثم ردني إلى قبر جدتي فاطمة بنت أسد, فادفني فستعلم يا ابن أم أن القوم يظنون أنكم تريدون دفني عند رسول الله | فيجلبون في منعكم, وبالله أقسم عليك أن تهرق في أمري محجمة دم, فلما غسله وكفنه الحسين ×, وحمله على سريره وتوجه إلى قبر جده رسول الله | ليجدد به عهدا, أتى مروان بن الحكم ومن معه من بني أمية, فقال: أيدفن عثمان في أقصى المدينة ويدفن الحسن مع النبي |, لا يكون ذلك أبدا, ولحقت عائشة على بغل وهي تقول: ما لي ولكم تريدون أن تدخلوا بيتي من لا أحب, فقال ابن عباس لمروان بن الحكم: لا نريد دفن صاحبنا, فإنه كان أعلم بحرمة قبر رسول الله | من أن يطرق عليه هجما كما طرق ذلك غيره, ودخل بيته بغير إذنه, انصرف, فنحن ندفنه بالبقيع, كما وصى ثم قال لعائشة: واسوأتاه يوما على بغل, ويوما على جمل, وفي رواية: يوما تجملت, ويوما تبغلت, وإن عشت تفيلت, فأخذه ابن الحجاج الشاعر البغدادي فقال:

يا بنت أبي بكر لا كان ولا كنت ... لك التسع من الثمن وبالكل تملكت‏

                  تجملت تبغلت وإن عشت تفيلت‏

(الخرائج والجرائح ج 1 ص 242)


Imam Hasan was born in Medina on the night of the 15th of Ramadan in the third year after the Hijra.

He lived with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) for seven years and then with his father, Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh), for thirty years. His Imamate lasted for nine years.

His mother was Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuh), known as "the Great Truthful," "the Lady of the Women of the Worlds," and "the Martyred, the Wronged, the Contented, and the Pleased."

His titles include: Abu Muhammad and Abu al-Qasim.

He was also known by various honorifics such as Al-Mujtaba, Al-Sayyid, Al-Sibt, Al-Amir, Al-Hujjah, Al-Barr, Al-Taqi, Al-Athir, Al-Zaki, Al-Sibt al-Awwal, and Al-Zahid.

Imam Hasan had several children:

Abdullah, Amr, and Qasim, whose mother was an Um Walad.

Al-Husayn al-Athram and Hasan, whose mother was Khawla bint Manzur al-Fazariyah.

Aqil and Hasan, whose mother was Umm Bashir bint Abi Mas'ud al-Khazrajiyyah.

Zayd and Umar, whose mother was from the Thaqif tribe.

Abdul Rahman, whose mother was an Um Walad.

Talhah and Abu Bakr, whose mother was Umm Ishaq bint Talhah al-Tamimiyyah.

Ahmad, Ismail, and Hasan al-Asghar.

His daughter Umm al-Hasan and it is said Umm al-Husayn, who were both from Umm Bashir al-Khuza'iyyah.

Fatimah, whose mother was Umm Ishaq bint Talhah.

Umm Abdullah, Umm Salamah, and Ruqayyah, whose mothers were Um Walads.

Of his sons, Abdullah, Qasim, and Abu Bakr were martyred alongside Imam Husayn (pbuh).

The descendants of his lineage are traced through two of his sons: Zayd ibn Hasan and Hasan ibn Hasan.

It is narrated that Allah Almighty named him Hasan. Imam Ali ibn Husayn (pbuh) said: "When Lady Fatimah (pbuh) gave birth to Imam Hasan (pbuh), she asked Ali (pbuh) to name him. Imam Ali replied, 'I would not name him before the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).' When the Prophet (pbuhp) arrived, he asked Ali, 'Have you named him?' Ali replied, 'I would not name him before you.' The Prophet said, 'I would not precede my Lord in naming him.' Then Allah Almighty revealed to Gabriel, 'A son has been born to Muhammad; go down and convey greetings and congratulations to him. Tell him that Ali is to you as Aaron was to Moses, so name him after Aaron's son.' Gabriel descended and conveyed greetings and congratulations from Allah Almighty. Then he said, Allah commands you to name him after Aaron's son.' The Prophet asked, 'What was his name?' Gabriel replied, 'Shubar.' The Prophet said, 'My language is Arabic.' Gabriel responded, 'Name him Hasan.' Thus, he was named Hasan.

When Husayn (pbuh) was born, Allah Almighty revealed to Gabriel, 'A son has been born to Muhammad; go down and convey greetings and congratulations to him. Tell him that Ali is to you as Aaron was to Moses, so name him after Aaron's son.' Gabriel descended and conveyed greetings and congratulations from Allah Almighty. Then he said, 'Allah commands you to name him after Aaron's son.' The Prophet asked, 'What was his name?' Gabriel replied, 'Shubair.' The Prophet said, 'My language is Arabic.' Gabriel responded, 'Name him Husayn.' Thus, he was named Husayn."

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.134

Imam Hasan (pbuh) was renowned for his generosity, and many stories are told about this trait. One such story, as narrated by Abu Ja'far al-Mada'ini in a lengthy narration, involves an event during a pilgrimage undertaken by Imam Hasan, Imam Husayn (pbut), and Abdullah ibn Ja'far. They found themselves without their provisions and became hungry and thirsty. They came upon a small, tattered tent in a narrow valley, where they found an elderly woman. They asked her for water, and she told them to milk a small goat that she had. They did so and drank. They then asked for food, and she said that she only had the goat, so one of them slaughtered it, and she cooked its meat for them. They ate and rested there. Before leaving, they told her, "We are from the Quraysh tribe, heading in this direction. When we return, come to us, and we will repay your kindness." They then departed. When her husband returned and learned of what had happened, he beat her severely. Some time later, the woman's circumstances worsened, and she traveled to Medina. There, Imam Hasan saw her and remembered the incident. He ordered that she be given a thousand sheep and a thousand dinars. He then sent her to Imam Husayn (pbuh), who gave her the same. She was then sent to Abdullah ibn Ja'far, who also gave her the same.

Manakeb Al Abi Taleb Vol.4, P.16

Imam Hasan (pbuh) participated in all the battles fought by his father, Imam Ali (pbuh). Notably, he was the one who killed the camel in the Battle of the Camel with his spear, which was a pivotal moment leading to victory in that battle.

After the martyrdom of his father, Imam Hasan was pledged allegiance to as the apparent caliph, and his Imamate lasted for nine years. After the allegiance was pledged to Imam Hasan (pbuh), he faced significant challenges due to disloyalty within his army. Notably, the betrayal came from his army's leader, Ubaydullah ibn al-Abbas, who was the cousin of his father, Imam Ali (pbuh). Due to this treachery and the general lack of support from his forces, Imam Hasan was injured in his noble thigh. Shaykh al-Mufid mentions that Imam Hasan (pbuh) wanted to test his companions and verify their obedience to him, so that his supporters would be distinguished from his enemies, and he would be better informed for his encounter with Muawiya and the people of Sham. He ordered the people to gather for a congregational prayer. When they assembled, he ascended the pulpit and addressed them, saying: "All praise is due to Allah as He is praised by those who praise Him. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, as whenever a witness bear witnesses that. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, whom He sent with the truth and entrusted with the revelation. After that: By Allah, I hope that I have become, thanks to Allah, the most sincere of His creation to His creation. I hold no grudge against any Muslim, nor do I wish them harm or evil. Know that what you dislike in unity is better for you than what you like in division. I am looking out for your interests more than you are for yourselves, so do not oppose my orders, nor reject my advice. May Allah forgive me and you, and guide us to what pleases Him and brings love and satisfaction." The people looked at each other and said: "What do you think he means by what he said?" They concluded: "We believe he intends to reconcile with Muawiya and hand over the leadership to him." They then accused him of disbelief and attacked his tent, looting it, and taking his prayer mat. Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah ibn Ja'al al-Azdi then attacked him, removing his cloak from his shoulders, leaving him sitting with a sword but without a cloak. He then called for his horse, mounted it, and was surrounded by his close supporters who protected him. He ordered them to call the tribes of Rabi'ah and Hamdan. They gathered around him and shielded him from others. As he was moving through a darkened place, a man from Banu Asad, named Jarrah ibn Sinan, approached him, seized the reins of his mule, and with a spear in hand, shouted: "Allah is Greater! You have associated partners in worship, Hasan, just as your father did before!" He then stabbed him in the thigh, cutting through to the bone. Imam Hasan embraced him and they both fell to the ground. A supporter of Hasan named Abdullah ibn Khuthel al-Tai rushed to him, took the spear from the attacker, and stabbed him repeatedly. Another supporter, named Dhubyan ibn Amarah, cut off the attacker’s nose, causing his death. Another man with them was also killed. Imam Hasan was carried on a bed to al-Mada'in.

Al-Ershad Vol.2, P.11

After the events and injuries he suffered, Imam Hasan (pbuh) was compelled to make peace with Mu'awiya to protect the Shi'a community and preserve Islam. It is narrated that Abu Ja'far (pbuh) said: A man from Hasan’s companions, named Sufyan ibn Layla, came while riding a camel. He entered upon Hasan, who was sitting in the courtyard of his house, and greeted him saying, "Peace be upon you, O humbler of the believers." Hasan said to him, "Dismount and do not be hasty." So, he dismounted, tethered his camel in the courtyard, and approached Hasan on foot. Hasan then asked him, "What did you say?" The man replied, "I said, 'Peace be upon you, O humbler of the believers.'" Hasan asked, "And what made you say that?" He said, "You relinquished the authority of the ummah and entrusted it to this tyrant who rules by other than what Allah has revealed." Hasan replied, "I will tell you why I did that. I heard my father say: The Messenger of Allah said, 'The days and nights will not pass until a man with a wide throat, a broad chest, and who eats without being satisfied will take over the affairs of this ummah. He is Muawiya.' That is why I did what I did." Hasan then asked, "What brought you here?" The man replied, "My love for you." Hasan said, "Allah said, 'Allah.' Hasan then added, "By Allah, no servant loves us, even if he were a captive among the Daylam (a region in northern Iran), except that his love will benefit him. Our love causes sins to fall away from the children of Adam, just as the wind causes leaves to fall from the trees."

Al-Ekhtisas P.82

Muhammad ibn Muslim narrated from Abu Ja'far (pbuh), who said: "By Allah, what Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) did was better for this Ummah than what the sun rises upon. By Allah, this verse was revealed: {Have you not seen those to whom it was said, 'Restrain your hands and establish prayer and give zakah'}. It refers to obedience to the Imam, and they sought fighting. {But when fighting was prescribed for them,} with Al-Hussein (Pbuh) {they said, 'Our Lord, why have You decreed fighting upon us? If only You had postponed it for us for a short time'}. {We would have answered Your call and followed the messengers}. They wanted to delay it until the advent of the Qa'im (the Mahdi)."

Al-Kafi Vol.8, P.330

Imam Hasan (pbuh) was martyred on the 7th of Safar in the year 50 AH. Shaykh al-Mufid writes that when the peace agreement was established between Hasan (pbuh) and Muawiya, Hasan returned to Medina, where he remained, suppressing his anger, staying at home, and awaiting the command of his Lord, until Muawiya had ruled for ten years. Muawiya then decided to nominate his son Yazid as his successor, and he sent a secret message to Ja'da bint al-Ash'ath ibn Qays, who was Hasan's wife, to poison him. He promised her that he would marry her to his son Yazid and sent her one hundred thousand dirhams. Ja'da administered the poison to Hasan, who suffered from illness for forty days before passing away in the month of Safar in the year fifty of the Hijra. At that time, he was forty-eight years old. His Imamate lasted ten years. His brother Husayn (pbuh), performed his washing, shrouding, and burial, laying him to rest beside his grandmother, Fatimah bint Asad ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf (may Allah be pleased with her) in Al-Baqi'.

Al-Ershad Vol.2, P.15

It is narrated that al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: When the time of death approached for al-Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh), he wept profusely and said: "I am about to face a tremendous matter and a horror I have never faced before." He then instructed that he be buried in al-Baqi'. He said: "O my brother, carry me on my bier to the grave of my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), so that I may renew my oath with him, then return me to the grave of my grandmother, Fatimah bint Asad (pbuh), and bury me there. You will know, O son of my mother, that the people will think you intend to bury me with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and will obstruct you. By Allah, I swear to you, do not shed a drop of blood in this matter." When al-Husayn (pbuh) washed and shrouded him and carried him on his bier towards the grave of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) to renew the oath, Marwan ibn al-Hakam and his supporters from the Umayyad clan arrived and said: "Will Othman be buried in the furthest part of the city while al-Hasan is buried with the Prophet? This will never happen." Aisha came riding a mule, shouting: "What do you want with me? You want to bring someone I dislike into my house." Ibn Abbas said to Marwan ibn al-Hakam: "We do not want to bury our companion here, for he was more knowledgeable about the sanctity of the Prophet's grave than to allow it to be violated as others have violated it, entering his house without his permission. Go away, we will bury him in al-Baqi' as he instructed." Then he said to Aisha: "Woe to you! One day you are on a mule, another day on a camel; in another version: one day you are dressed up, another day you are on a mule, and if you live long enough, you would have ridden an elephant." The poet Ibn al-Hajjaj of Baghdad then wrote:

O daughter of Abu Bakr, may neither you nor it have been... You own the ninth of the eighth yet you claimed all ownership… You dressed up, rode a mule, and if you live, you'll ride an elephant.


Al-Kharaej Wal Jaraeh Vol.1, P.242