ما يُكَدِّرُ العَيشَ Factors Which Spoil One’s Lifestyle

5ـ الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): ثَلاثَةٌ تُكَدِّرُ العَيشَ: السُّلطانُ الجائرُ، والجارُ السَّوءُ، والمَرأةُ البَذِيَّةُ.

5– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Three things spoil one’s lifestyle an oppressive ruler, a bad neighbour, and a loathsome wife.’[Tuhaf al-`Uqoul, no. 320]

6ـ الخصال الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): خَمسُ خِصالٍ مَن فَقَدَ واحِدَةً مِنهُنَّ لَم يَزَلْ ناقِصَ العَيشِ زائلَ العَقلِ مَشغولَ القَلبِ، فأوَّلُها: صِحَّةُ البَدَنِ، والثّانِيَةُ: الأمنُ، والثّالِثَةُ: السَّعَةُ في الرِّزقِ، والرّابِعَةُ: الأنيسُ المُوافِقُ ـ [ قال الراوي :] قُلتُ: وما الأنيسُ المُوافِقُ ؟ قالَ: الزَّوجَةُ الصّالِحَةُ، والوَلَدُ الصّالِحُ، والخَليطُ الصّالِحُ ـ والخامِسَةُ: وهِيَ تَجمَعُ هذِه الخِصالَ: الدَّعَةُ .

6– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘There are five things which if one where to lose just one of them it would render his life incomplete, his intellect short-lived, and his heart preoccupied. The first of these is health of the body; the second is security; the third is ample sustenance; the fourth is a compatible companion. [The narrator says], ‘I asked, ‘What is a compatible companion’ to which he replied, ‘The virtuous wife, the virtuous son and the virtuous friend. And the fifth one, which sums up these four things, is mild-temperedness.’[al-Khisal, p. 284, no. 34]