مُتَكَلِّمٌ The Speaker

75ـ الإمامُ عليٌ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): يُخبِرُ لا بِلِسانٍ ولَهَواتٍ، ويَسمَعُ لا بِخُروقٍ وأدَواتٍ ، يَقولُ ولا يَلفِظُ ، ويَحفَظُ ولا يَتَحَفَّظُ ... يَقولُ لِمَن أرادَ كَونَهُ: «كُنْ» فيَكونُ ، لا بِصَوتٍ يُقرَعُ ، ولا بِنِداءٍ يُسمَعُ ، وإنَّما كَلامُه سُبحانَهُ فِعلٌ مِنهُ ، أنشَأهُ ومَثَّلَهُ ، لَم يَكُنْ مِن قَبلِ ذلكَ كائناً، ولَو كانَ قَديماً لَكانَ إلهاً ثانِياً .

75– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘He expresses information but not through a tongue or voice. He listens but not with the holes and organs of hearing. He speaks but does not utter words; He remembers but does not learn… When He wishes to create something, He says to it ‘Be’ and it is, but not through a voice that can strike the ears, nor a calling that can be heard. Rather, His speech, Glory be to Him, is an act of His that He creates and incorporates, which did not exist before, for were it an ever-existing thing it would be a second god.’[Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 186]