Supplement 1

يا عليّ، ما أحد من الأوّلين والآخرين إلاّ وهو يتمنّى يوم القيامة إنّه لم يعط من الدنيا إلاّ قوتاً. يا عليّ، شرّ الناس من اتّهم الله في قضائه. يا عليّ، أنين المؤمن تسبيح، وصياحه تهليل، ونومه على الفراش عبادة، وتقلّبه من جنب إلى جنب جهاد في سبيل الله. فإن عوفي مشى وما عليه من ذنب. يا عليّ، لو اُهدي إليَّ كراع لقبلت، ولو دعيت إلى كراع لأجبت.

O Ali, on the Day of Resurrection, every individual, including all the past and the coming generations, will hope were they given only the minimum sustenance.

O Ali, the evilest of people is that who complains against the act of Allah.

O Ali, as for the believer, his moaning is (regarded as) Tasbih -saying subhaanallah: All glory is due to Allah-, his cries are tahlil -saying la ilaha illallah: there is no god but Allah-, his sleep in beds is a sort of worship, and his turnings are jihad for Allah's sake. If he is cured, he walks among people guiltless. (i.e. all his sins are forgiven because illness is regarded as punishment for him) O Ali, if a foot of an animal is presented to me, I will accept it. If I am invited to a foot of a sheep17, I will answer.


17. There is a village called 'Kura' which is a place between Mecca and al-Medina and about eight miles away from Osfan. Accordingly, the Prophet (s) might have meant: "If I am invited to the village of Kura', I will answer despite its remoteness.

( 82 )
يا عليّ، ليس على النساء جمعة ولا جماعة ولا أذان ولا إقامة ولا عيادة مريض ولا اتّباع جنازة ولا هرولة بين الصفا والمروة ولا استلام الحجر ولا حلق. ولا تولّى القضاء ولا تستشار ولا تذبح إلاّ عند الضرورة ولا تجهر بالتلبية ولا تقيم عند قبر ولا تسمع الخطبة ولا تتولّى التزويج بنفسها. ولا تخرج من بيت زوجها إلاّ بإذنه فإن خرجت بغير إذنه لعنها الله وجبرئيل وميكائيل ولا تعطى من بيت زوجها شيئاً إلاّ بإذنه ولا تبيت وزوجها عليها ساخط وإن كان ظالماً لها.

O Ali, it is not obligatory upon women to attend the Friday and collective prayers, recite the azan or iqama, visit the sick, participate in funeral ceremonies, roam between Safa and Marwa, kiss the Black Stone, and have their hair cut (as a ritual of the hajj). They should not assume the magistrature, be consulted, slaughter animals except in emergencies, recite the talbiya loudly, reside near a grave, listen to the sermon (of the Friday Prayers), and manage the ceremonies of their marriage themselves.

Women should not leave their husbands' houses before they obtain their permissions; lest, Allah, Gabriel, and Michael -the angles- will curse them. They should also avoid giving anything of their husbands' houses before they obtain their permission and avoid passing a single night while their husbands are angry at them even the husbands were the wrong.

( 83 )

يا عليّ، الإسلام عريان ولباسه الحياء، وزينته الوقار، ومروّته العمل الصالح، وعماده الورع.
ولكلّ شيء أساس، وأساس الإسلام حبّنا أهل البيت.
يا عليّ، سوء الخلق شؤم، وطاعة المرأة ندامة.
يا عليّ، إن كان الشؤم في شيء ففي لسان المرأة.
يا عليّ، نجا المخفّون وهلك المثقلون.
يا عليّ، من كذب عليَّ متعمّداً فليتبوّأ مقعده من النار.
يا عليّ، ثلاث يزدن في الحفظ، ويذهبن البلغم: اللبان والسواك وقراءة القرآن.

O Ali, Islam is naked; pudency is its dress, gravity is its ornament, righteous deed is its personality, and piety is its support. Everything has its basis; the basis of Islam is to cherish us-the Prophet's household.
O Ali, bad mannerism is evil omen and the compliance with women is regret.
O Ali, if evil omen is found in something, it will definitely be found in women's tongues.
O Ali, the light will be saved while the heavy will lose.
O Ali, he who forges lies against me intentionally should find himself a place in Hell.
O Ali, three things better the memory and remove the phlegm: chewing gum, cleaning the teeth (with a special stick called 'miswak'), and reciting the Quran.

( 84 ) 

يا عليّ، السواك من السنّة، ومطهّر للفم، ويجلو البصر، ويرضي الرحمن، ويبيّض الأسنان، ويذهب بالحفر، ويشدّ اللثّة، ويشهّي الطعام، ويذهب بالبلغم، ويزيد في الحفظ، ويزاد الحسنات، وتفرح به الملائكة. يا عليّ، النوم أربعة: نوم الأنبياء عليهم السلام على أقفيتهم، ونوم المؤمنين على أيمانهم، ونوم الكفّار والمنافقين على أيسارهم، ونوم الشياطين على وجوههم. يا عليّ، ما بعث الله عزّ وجلّ نبيّاً إلاّ وجعل ذرّيّته من صلبه، وجعل ذرّيّتي من صلبك، ولولاك ما كانت لي ذرّيّة.

O Ali, cleaning the teeth (with a special stick called 'miswak') is a recommendable practice, for it purifies the mouth, betters the sight, satisfies the Lord, whitens the teeth, removes the bad smell of mouth, strengthens the gums, stimulates the appetite, removes the phlegm, betters the memory, doubles the advantages, and makes the angels happy.

O Ali, sleep is of four categories: the sleep of the prophets is on their backs, the sleep of the faithful believers is on their right sides, the sleep of the atheists and the hypocrites is on their left sides, and the sleep on the devils is on their faces. O Ali, Allah selects the progeny of every messenger that He chooses from that messenger's descendants, but He selects my progeny from your descendants. Without you, I would not have progeny.

( 85 ) 

يا عليّ، أربعة من قواصم الظهر: إمام يعصي الله عزّ وجلّ ويطاع أمره، وزوجة يحفظها زوجها وهي تخونه، وفقر لا يجد صاحبه مداوياً، وجار سوء في دار المقام.
يا عليّ، إنَّ عبد المطّلب سنّ في الجاهلية خمس سنن وأجراها الله عزّ وجلّ له في الإسلام.
حرّم نساء الآباء على الأبناء، فأنزل الله عزّ وجلّ: (وَلاَ تَنْكِحُوا مَا نَكَحَ آبَاؤُكُم مِنَ النِسَاءِ...)
ووجد كنزاً فأخرج منه الخمس وتصدّق به، فأنزل الله عزّ وجلّ: (وَاعْلَمُوا أنَّمَا غَنِمْتُم مِن شَيء فَأنّ للهِ خُمْسَهُ وَلِلْرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ...)

O Ali, four matters deal a death blow: a leader who is obeyed while he disobeys Allah, a wife who betrays her husband while he considers her, a cureless poverty, and a bad neighbor in the permanent residence.

O Ali, in the pre-Islamic era, Abdul-Muttalib passed five laws that Allah enacted in Islam. He forbade sons from marrying their fathers' women, and Allah revealed: "Do not marry, from now on, the ex-wives of your fathers." (4:22) As Abdul-Muttalib found a treasure, he gave its one-fifth as alms. Allah revealed: "Know that whatever property you may gain, one fifth belongs to Allah, the Messenger, the kindred, orphans, the needy and those who need money while on a journey." (8:41)

( 86 ) 

ولمّا حفر بئر زمزم سمّاها سقاية الحاجّ، فأنزل الله تبارك وتعالى: (أَجَعَلْتُم سِقَايَةَ الحَاجِّ وَعِمَارَةَ المَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ كَمَنْ آمَنَ بِاللهِ وَاليَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَجَاهَدَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ...) وسنّ في القتل مائة من الإبل، فأجرى الله عزّ وجلّ ذلك في الإسلام. ولم يكن للطواف عدد عند قريش، فسنّ لهم عبد المطّلب سبعة أشواط، فأجرى الله عزّ وجلّ ذلك في الإسلام. يا عليّ، إنّ عبد المطّلب كان لا يستقسم بالأزلام، ولا يعبد الأصنام، ولا يأكل ما ذبح على النصب، ويقول: أنا على دين أبي إبراهيم عليه السلام.

When he dug the Zamzam spring, he called it 'the watering of the pilgrims'. Allah revealed: "Do you, because you served water to the pilgrims and constructed the Sacred Mosque, consider yourselves equal to those who have believed in Allah, the Day of Judgment, and have fought for the cause of Allah?" (9:19) For the Koreishites, they did not stop at a limited number of circumambulations around the Kaaba; hence, Abdul-Muttalib decided seven circulations for them. In Islam, Allah passed this law.

O Ali, Abdul-Muttalib used to avoid dividing by casting superstitious and gambling arrows, worshipping the idols, and having the flesh of an animal that had been sacrificed on the stone blocks. He used to say: I follow the religion of my father Abraham the prophet (a).

( 87 )

يا عليّ، أعجب الناس إيماناً وأعظمهم يقيناً قوم يكونون في آخر الزمان، لم يلحقوا النبيّ صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، وحجب عنهم الحجّة فآمنوا بسواد على بياض. يا عليّ، ثلاثة يقسين القلب: استماع اللّهو وطلب الصيد وإتيان باب السلطان. يا عليّ، لا تصلّ في جلد ما لا يشرب لبنه، ولا يؤكل لحمه، ولا تصلّ في ذات الجيش ولا في ذات الصلاصل ولا في ضجنان. يا عليّ، كل من البيض وما اختلف طرفاه، ومن السمك ما كان له قشر، ومن الطير ما رفّ واترك منه ما صف، وكل من طير الماء ما كانت له قانصة أو صيصية.

O Ali, the people of the most admirable faith and the greatest conviction are those who will live in the last of time: they did not catch (the time) of the Prophet (s) and were not given an opportunity to meet the Representative of Allah; yet, they believed while they did not see anything. O Ali, three matters harden the heart: listening to the unlawful amusement, seeking of hunt, and stopping at the rulers' doors. O Ali, do not offer prayers while you wear a skin of an animal whose milk is unlawful to drink or a skin of an animal whose meat is unlawful to eat. Do not offer prayers in Thatul-Jaysh, Thatus-Salassil, and Dhajnan.18

O Ali, eat only the eggs whose edges are not even, the fish who has shells, the birds whose wings are flapping and leave those whose wings are still, and the waterfowls that have gizzards or back nails.

18. These are three areas near Mecca. Many narratives confirmed that these places were sunk down.

( 88 ) 

يا عليّ، كلّ ذي ناب من السّباع ومخلب من الطير فحرام لا تأكله. يا عليّ، لا قطع في ثمر، ولا كنز. يا عليّ، ليس على زان عقر، ولا حدّ في التعريض، ولا شفاعة في حدّ، ولا يمين في قطيعة رحم، ولا يمين لولد مع والده، ولا لامرأة مع زوجها، ولا لعبد مع مولاه، ولا صمت يومٍ إلى الليل، ولا وصال في الصيام، ولا تعرّب بعد هجرة. يا عليّ، لا يقتل والد بولده. يا عليّ، لا يقبل الله تعالى دعاء قلبٍ ساهٍ.

It is unlawful to have the meat of any beast that has a canine tooth or any bird that has a claw. O Ali, it is unacceptable to offer fruits or treasure19 in mortmain. O Ali, it is unacceptable for the fornicators to slaughter an animal as ransom. There is no doctrinal provision for the innuendo and there is no intercession in the execution of the doctrinal provisions. Oaths are invalid if they are taken for rupturing the relations of kinship. The oath of sons, wives, and slaves regarding their fathers, husbands, and masters is void. To observe fasting a whole day up to night is void. To fast for two (or more) days ceaselessly is void. To migrate to a non-Muslim country, after living in a Muslim country, is void.

O Ali, retaliation is inoperative for fathers who kill their sons.
O Ali, Allah, Exalted is He, will not answer the prayer of an inattentive heart.


19. In al-Faqih and al-Bihar, the word 'spadix' replaces the word 'treasure'.

( 89 )

يا عليّ، نوم العالم أفضل من عبادة العابد. يا عليّ، ركعتين يصلّيهما العالم أفضل من ألف ركعة يصلّيها العابد. يا عليّ، لا تصوم المرأة تطوّعاً إلاّ بإذن زوجها، ولا يصوم العبد تطوّعاً إلاّ بإذن مولا ه، ولا يصوم الضيف تطوّعاً إلاّ بإذن صاحبه. يا عليّ، صوم يوم الفطر حرام، وصوم يوم الأضحى حرام، وصوم الوصال حرام، وصوم الصمت حرام، وصوم نذر المعصية حرام، وصوم الدهر حرام. يا عليّ، في الزّنا ست خصال: ثلاث منها في الدنيا وثلاث منها في الآخرة.

O Ali, the sleep of the knowledgeable is better than the rituals of the (unknowing) worshipper.
O Ali, two rak'as of the knowledgeable is better than one thousand rak'as of the (unknowing) worshipper.
O Ali, it is unacceptable for wives, slaves, and guests to offer optional prayers before they obtain the permission of the husbands, masters, and hosts (respectively).

O Ali, it is haram to fast on the days of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha. It is also haram to fast on two days continuously, fast from speaking, fast for the vow of an act of disobedience to Allah, and fast all lifetime.
O Ali, fornication causes six bad consequences; three are in this world and the others are in the world to come.

( 90 )

فأمّا الّتي في الدنيا فيذهب بالبهاء، ويعجّل الفناء، ويقطع الرزق. وأمّا الّتي في الآخرة فسوء الحساب، وسخط الرحمن، والخلود في النار. يا عليّ، الربا سبعون جزءاً فأيسره، مثل أن ينكح الرّجل اُمّه في بيت الله الحرام. يا عليّ، درهم ربا أعظم عند الله عزّ وجلّ من سبعين زنية كلّها بذات محرم في بيت الله الحرام. يا عليّ، مَن منع قيراطاً من زكاة ماله، فليس بمؤمن ولا بمسلم، ولا كرامة.

Regarding the three of this world, it takes away the brightness, hastens the perdition, and stops the sustenance. Regarding the three that are in the world to come, it causes hard judgment, dissatisfaction of the Beneficent Allah, and immortality in the fire (of Hell). O Ali, usury is of seventy parts the (punishment of the) easiest of which is as same (punishment) as perpetrating incest with one's mother inside the Holy House of Allah.

O Ali, a single dirham of usury is more horrible in the sight of Allah than seventy times of commitment of incest inside the Holy House of Allah. O Ali, he who refuses to pay a single carat of the zakat of his estate is definitely neither believer nor Muslim.

( 91 ) 

يا عليّ، تارك الزكاة يسأل الله الرجعة إلى الدنيا، وذلك قول الله عزّ وجلّ: (حَتّى إذَا جَاءَ أَحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ قَالَ رَبِّ ارْجِعُونِ لَعَلِّي أَعْمَلُ صَالِحًا فِيمَا تَرَكْتُ كَلَّا إِنَّهَا كَلِمَةٌ هُوَ قَائِلُهَا وَمِن وَرَائِهِم بَرْزَخٌ إِلَى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ). يا عليّ، تارك الحجّ وهو مستطيع كافر، يقول الله تبارك وتعالى: (وَلِلّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إلَيْهِ سَبِيلاً وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ). يا عليّ، مَن سوّف الحجّ حتّى يموت، بعثه الله يوم القيامة يهوديّاً أو نصرانيّاً. يا عليّ، الصدقة تردّ البلاء الّذي قد أبرم إبراما.

O Ali, those who neglect to defray the zakat will ask Allah to take them back to the world. They are the intendeds in Allah's saying: "When death approaches one of them, he says, 'Lord, send me back again so that perhaps I shall act righteously for the rest of my life.' Although he will say so but his wish will never come true. After death they will be behind a barrier until the day of their resurrection." (23:99-100)

O Ali, those who omit performing the hajj while they are capable enough for so are regarded as disbelievers. Allah says: "Those who have the means and ability have a duty to Allah to visit the House and perform the hajj (pilgrimage) rituals." (3:97) O Ali, as for him who neglects to perform the hajj until he dies, Allah will reckon him with the Jews or the Christians on the Day of Resurrection. O Ali, almsgiving stops the act of Allah that is finally determined.

( 92 ) 

يا عليّ، صلة الرّحم تزيد في العمر.
يا عليّ، افتتح بالملح واختم بالملح، فإنّ فيه شفاء من إثنين وسبعين داء.
يا عليّ، لو قدمت على المقام المحمود لشفعت في أبي وعمّي واُمّي وأخ كان لي في الجاهليّة.
يا عليّ، أنا ابن الذبيحين.
يا عليّ، أنا دعوة أبي إبراهيم.
يا عليّ، أحسن العقل ما اكتسب به الجنّة وطلب به رضا الرحمن.
يا عليّ، إنّ أوّل خلق خلقه الله عزّ وجلّ العقل، فقال له: "أقبل" فأقبل. ثمّ قال له: "أدبر" فأدبر.

O Ali, regard of the kinship increases the age.
O Ali, begin and end your meals with salt, for it cures from seventy-two maladies.
O Ali, when I come up to the Praiseworthy Position20, I will intercede for my father, uncle, mother, and a friend of mine in the pre-Islamic era.
O Ali, I am the son of the two slain men.21
O Ali, I am the pray of my father Abraham the prophet.22
O Ali, the best of intellect is that by which Paradise is gained and the satisfaction of the Beneficent Allah is sought.
O Ali, the first creation of Allah was the intellect. When Allah created him, He said to him: "Approach (by Me)." The intellect approached. Allah said: "Go away." The intellect went away.


20. This is an indication to God's saying: "Your Lord will raise you to a highly Praiseworthy Position." (17:97).
21. The two slain men are Ishmael the prophet and Abdullah; the Prophet's father.
22. This is an indication to God's saying: "(Abraham prayed) … And ordain for me a goodly mention among posterity." (26:84).