6ـ الإمامُ الرِّضا (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ لمّا سُئلَ عن العلّةِ التي من أجلِها لا تَحِلُّ المُطَلَّقَةُ لِلعِدَّةِ لِزَوجِها حتّى تَنكِحَ زَوجاً غيرَهُ ـ: إنَّ اللّهَ تباركَ و تعالى إنّما أذِنَ في الطلاقِ مَرَّتَينِ، فقالَ عَزَّوجلَّ: «الطَّلاقُ مَرَّتانِ فَإِمْساكٌ بِمَعْروفٍ أَوْ تَسْريحٌ بِإِحْسانٍ» (البقرة / 229)؛ يَعنِي في التَّطليقَةِ الثالثةِ، ولِدُخُولِهِ فيما كَرِهَ اللّهُ عَزَّوجلَّ لَهُ مِن الطلاقِ الثالثِ حَرَّمَها اللّهُ علَيهِ، فلا تَحِلُّ لَهُ مِن بعدُ حتّى تَنكِحَ زَوجاً غَيرَهُ؛ لئلاّ يُوقِعَ الناسُ الاستِخفافَ بِالطلاقِ ولا تُضارَّ النِّساءُ. |
6– Imam al-Rida (AS) was once asked the reason why a man is not allowed to remarry his divorcée numerous times unless she has married another husband first, to which he replied, ‘Verily Allah, Blessed and most High, has permitted revocable divorce twice, and said: “[Revocable] divorce may be only twice; then [let there be] either an honourable retention, or a kindly release” [Qur’an 2:229], meaning the third time around. Because of his contracting this divorce that Allah despises so, three times over, Allah prohibits him from doing it again, so she [his divorcée] is not lawful for him until she marries another husband [and he divorces her], in order that people do not plunge into divorce, taking it as a light matter, and in order that women may not be caused to suffer in the process.’[`Uyoun Akhbar al-Ridha (AS), v. 2, p. 85, no. 27] |
7ـ الإمامُ الرِّضا (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ مِمّا كَتَبَ إلى محمّدِ بنِ سِنانٍ في عِلَّةِ الطلاقِ ثلاثاً ـ: وعِلَّةُ الطلاقِ ثلاثاً لِما فيهِ مِن المُهلَةِ فيما بينَ الواحِدَةِ إلى الثلاثِ؛ لرَغبَةٍ تَحدُثُ أو سُكونِ غَضَبٍ إن كانَ، ولِيَكُونَ ذلكَ تَخويفاً وتَأديباً للنِّساءِ وزَجِرا لهُنَّ عن مَعصيَةِ أزواجِهِنَّ فَاستَحَقَّتِ المرأةُ الفُرقَةَ والمُبايَنَةَ لدُخُولِها فيما لا يَنبَغي مِن مَعصيَةِ زَوجِها، وعِلَّةُ تَحريمِ المرأةِ بعدَ تِسعِ تَطليقاتٍ فلا تَحِلُّ لَهُ أبدا عُقوبَةً؛ لئلاّ يُتَلاعَبَ بِالطلاقِ، ولا تُستَضعَفَ المرأةُ، ولِيَكُونَ ناظِراً في اُمورِهِ مُتَيَقِّظا مُعتَبِراً، ولِيَكونَ يائساً لَها مِن الاجتِماعِ بعدَ تِسعِ تَطلِيقاتٍ. |
7– Imam al-Rida (AS) said in a letter that he wrote to Muhammad Ibn Sinan outlining the reason for restricting the divorce to three times, ‘The reasoning behind the divorce being permissible three times is to do with the respite it gives [each party to think] between the first to the third time – for in that time, a desire [for one’s spouse] may arise or one’s rage may subside. Also, [it has been restricted to three] in order to discipline and deter women from disobeying their husbands [time after time] whereby she may have become deserving of separation and distancing for doing something to disobey her husband. The reason why a woman becomes unlawful for a man after nine counts of divorce, where he is absolutely not allowed a woman and is punishable for it, is in order that people do not make a jest of divorce and so that women are not abased, and so that man may consider his situation carefully and vigilantly [before plunging into marriage and divorce], and that he may feel despair at ever coming back together with a woman after having divorced nine times.’[`AeIlal al-Shara’i`a , p. 507, no. 1] |