* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Mohammad bin Abdellah that he said to Imam Rida (Pbuh): “May I be sacrificed for your sake. My father told me that some told your forefathers (Pbut): “ Our boundaries at Qazueen are at risk. There is an enemy called Dailam. So shall we go to Jihad?” Imam said: “Go to the house of Allah and perform pilgrimage.” Then they repeated the same question three times and the Imam replied with the same answer till he said in the third time: “aren’t you satisfied by being at home aiding your families waiting for our matter and if he was at its time he will be considered as same as being with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) in Bader Battle. It he wasn’t at its time he will be considered to be as same as being with our Qa’im in his tent- and the Imam joined his two index fingers-.”“ Imam Abou Al-Hassan (Pbuh) said: “What you have been told is true.” [1]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Haydara from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Jihad is the best of matters after the obligated duties.” [2]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Al-Asbagh bin Nabata from Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah imposed Jihad on men and women. The Jihad of men is sacrificing their money and souls till being killed in the cause of Allah. The Jihad of women is to endure the harm and jealousy of her husband.” In another narration: “The Jihad of women is in being a righteous wife.” [3]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Abou Hamza that he heard Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) say: “Ali Bin Al-Hussein (Pbuh) used to say that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “ There is no drop that Allah loves more than a drop of blood in the cause of Allah.”“ [4]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported Soma’a from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “ Abad Al-Basri saw Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussein when he was on his way to Makka. So he said: “You left the Jihad and its hardness and went to pilgrimage for its easiness. Allah says: “ Allah had purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Tawrat, the Injeel, and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah. then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.” Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussein (Pbuh) said to him: “continue the verse” He said: “{ Those that turn (to Allah. in repentance; that serve Him, and praise Him; that wander in devotion to the cause of Allah,: that bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer; that enjoin good and forbid evil; and observe the limit set by Allah.- (These do rejoice). So proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers.}” Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussein (Pbuh) then said: “If these people had these traits, then Fighting by their side is better than pilgrimage.” [5]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Masa’ada bin Sadaqa from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) said that when the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) sent a leader with a division he (Pbuhp) ordered him to be pious to fear Allah regarding himself in particular and regarding his companions. Then he used to say to him: “ Invade in the name of Allah and the cause of Allah. Fight who disbelieves in Allah. Don’t con, don’t be extreme, don’t disfigure corpses and kill neither a newborn nor a one who is peaceful. Don’t burn palm trees. Don’t drown anyone in water. Don’t cut any fruitful tree. Don’t burn crops because you don’t know, you might need it. Don’t kill any cattle that you can eat its meat unless you will eat its meat…”[6]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Abdel-Rahman bin Jundub from his father from Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) used to tell them whenever they encounter an enemy: “Don’t begin the fight, for you the ones right and leaving them till they start fighting is another argument. If you defeat them, don’t kill anyone escaping, don’t kill a wounded man, don’t uncover anyone and don’t disfigure any corpse.” [7]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Mohammad bin Muslim from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said that Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said to his companions: “When you encounter an enemy at war, don’t talk a lot yet remember Allah a lot. Don’t turn your backs to them for by that you earn the rage of Allah. When you see a wounded brother of you, or a one that is tortured or a man stealing a brother, protect them by yourselves.” [8]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Al-Sukuni from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was asked: “Why the martyrs aren’t tested in their graves?” He (Pbuhp)
* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ilal Al-Shara’i Book: Reported from Abou Baseer from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) from his forefathers (Pbut) that Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “be good to your bounties before you lose them for that it witnesses what its owner used to do with it.”
* Also Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “When a Muslims rebels under the lead of he who isn’t trusted on authority and doesn’t rule according to the orders of Allah and then dies, he dies considered to be an aid for our enemies in depriving us from our rights and shedding our blood. He dies an ignorant death.” [9]
* Al-Hassan bin Ali bin Sha’ba states in Tuhaf Al-Oqul Book: Imam Rida (Pbuh) wrote to Al-Ma’moun: “… Jihad is obligatory with under the lead of a just ruler. He who fought and dies defending his money, belongings or self is a martyr. Killing an infidel in conditions of Taqiya is forbidden unless he is a killer or a corruptor that if you there was no fear on yourself. Consuming the money of opposers is also forbidden. Taqiya is obligatory in conditions of Taqiya. He is excused he who swore using Taqiya in order to defend himself from injustice.” [10]
* Nahej Al-Balagha Book: Reported from Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) that he said in a lecture of his: “stay low and endure the afflictions. Don’t move your hands and swords following the desires of your tongues. Don’t rush towards what Allah didn’t hasten for you. If one of you died on his bed having knowledge of the rights of his lord, messenger and his household, he is a martyr and Allah shall reward him as he earns the rewards of he who intended to do good. His intention replaced unsheathing his sword. For every matter has a duration and a time of end.” [11]
* Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Husseiny states in Taweel Al-Ayat: Reported from Al-Hussein bin Abi Hamza from his father that he said to Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh): “May I be sacrificed for your sake, I grew old and my bones are weak now. I fear that I die before the advent.” Imam said: “O Abou Hamza, do you consider that only who is killed is a martyr and witness?” he said: “yes, may I be sacrificed for your sake.” Imam: “O Abou Hamza, he who believed in us and believed our narrations and waited for our matter is like he who was killed under the banner of Al-Qa’im(Pbuh), yet I swear to Allah under the banner of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp).” [12]
* Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khalid Al-Barqi states in Al-Mahasin Book: Reported from Zaid bin Arqam from Al-Hussein Bin Ali (Pbuh) that he said: “every follower of us is a sincere martyr and witness.” He said: “May I be sacrificed for your sake, how is that while most of them die on their beds?” Imam said: “Didn’t you read {Those who believe in Allah and His messengers are the sincere martyrs and witnesses.}” he said: “As if I haven’t read this verse before.” Then Imam (Pbuh) said: “If the martyrs are only what you say, few would be the martyrs.” [13]
* Al-Sayyid Hashim Al-Bahrani states in Madeenat Al-Ma’ajiz Book: Reported from Anas bin Malik that he said: “we prayed at dawn behind the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). Then he turned towards us with his honored generous face. I said: “O Messenger of Allah, can you explain to us this saying of Allah {those are the ones whom Allah blessed of prophets, sincere saints, martyrs and witnesses, and righteous ones. Those are the best of companions}.” He said: “the prophets are Me. The sincere saints are my brother Ali Bin Abi Talib (Pbuh). The martyrs and witnesses are my uncle Al-Hamza. The righteous ones are my daughter Fatima and her sons Hassan and Hussein.” [14]
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book:Reported from Al-Sukuni from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: "He who gossips against a Muslim when being in war or harms his family, all his righteous deeds will be devalued on Resurrection Day and then he will be thrown in hell. That if the invader was fighting in the name of Allah and obeying Allah." [15]
[1] الكافي ج4 ص260/ ج5 ص22، وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص86/ج11 ص33.
[2] الكافي ج5 ص4، كامل الزيارات ص554 مثله وفيه الجهاد أفضل الفرائض في وقت الجهاد ومثله في الوسائل ج8 ص82 وفي البحار ج96 ص10، بحار الانوار ج97 ص25، التهذيب ج6 ص121، روضة الواعظين ص362، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص7، مشكاة الانوار ص268.
[3] الكافي ج5 ص9، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص14، من لا يحضره الفقيه ج3 ص439، وسائل الشيعة ج14 ص111 وص115(حسن التبعل)، التهذيب ج6 ص126، وسائل الشيعة ج20 ص157، ج11 ص14، مكارم الاخلاق ص215، البحار ج100 ص250 مثله.
[4] الكافي ج5 ص53، دعائم الاسلام ج1 ص343، الخصال ص50، تحف العقول ص219، وسائل الشيعة ج4 ص1122/ ج11 ص8، مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص16، أمالي المفيد ص11، بحار الانوار ج66 ص377/ ج90 ص329/ ج97 ص10/ص50.
[5] الكافي ج5 ص22، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص32، الاحتجاج ج2 ص44، عنه البحار ج97 ص18، مناقب آشوب ج3 ص298، عنه البحار ج46 ص116، تفسير القمي ج1 ص306 وفيه”لقي الزهري علي بن الحسين”، تفسير مجمع البيان ج5 ص131، تفسير الصافي ج2 ص381، تفسير نور الثقلين ج2 ص272، تفسير الميزان ج9 ص405، تأويل الآيات ج1 ص210.
[6] الكافي ج5 ص29، عنه البحار ج19 ص179، التهذيب ج6 ص138، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص43.
[7] الكافي ج5 ص38، عنه البحار ج33 ص448/ ج33 ص461/ ج68 ص240/مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص80، وقعة صفين ص203، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص69.
[8] الكافي ج5 ص42، الخصال ص617، تحف العقول ص103، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص73، مكارم الأخلاق ص148 في خطبة طويلة.
[9] علل الشرائع ج2 ص464، الخصال ص625، تحف العقول ص114، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص34، البحار ج97 ص21.
[10] وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص35 عن تحف العقول ص419، البحار ج10 ص364.
[11] نهج البلاغة ج2 ص132، عنه البحار ج52 ص144، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص41، تأويل الآيات ج2 ص668، ينابيع المودة ج1 ص86/ج3 ص452، الانوار العلوية ص477.
[12] تأويل الآيات الظاهرة ج2 ص665 عن كتاب البشارات، تفسير أبي حمزة الثمالي ص93، غاية المرام ج4 ص265، بحار الأنوار ج27 ص138/ ج65 ص141 عن تأويل الآيات.
[13] المحاسن ج1 ص163، عنه البحار ج64 ص53، الدعوات ص242، مشكاة الأنوار ص168، غاية المرام ج4 ص264, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص244، التفسير الصافي ج5 ص136، التفسير الأصفى ج2 ص1267.
[14] مدينة المعاجز ج3 ص419, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج2 ص424, بحار الأنوار ج25 ص16 عن رياض الجنان, تأويل الآيات ج1 ص137, إرشاد القلوب ج2 ص403 باختلاف، عنه البحار ج43 ص17.
[15] الكافي ج5 ص8، دعائم الاسلام ج1 ص343، ثواب الاعمال ص256، عنه البحار ج97 ص12، وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص14، مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص23، كتاب النوادر للرواندي ص141، بحار الانوار ج97