
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Al-Sukuni from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): “Gheeba (talking about people in their behind) is faster in eating out of faith than necrosis.” [1]


* Al-Mirza Al-Nouri states in Mousatadrak Al-Wasa’el Book: It was reported from Jaber and Abou Sa’eed that they said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Never do Gheeba from is harder than fornication. When a man fornicates and then repents Allah accepts his repentance. Yet Allah doesn’t forgive who did Gheeba unless the one talked about forgives him.” [2]


* Al-Mirza Al-Nouri states in Mousatadrak Al-Wasa’el Book: It was reported from Anas from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “On the night when I ascended to the sky, I passed by people scratching their faces with their nails. So I said: “O Jibraeel, Who are they?” He said: “These are the ones who were used to talk about people and their women in their behind.”“ [3]


* Al-Mirza Al-Nouri states in Mousatadrak Al-Wasa’el Book: It was reported from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “He who listens to Gheeba is as if he was doing it.” [4]


* Al-Allama Al-Majlisi states in Al-Bihar Book:  It was reported from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “If a believer was being slandered in front of a man and the other had the power to defend him and yet he didn’t, Allah will humiliate him on Resurrection Day in front of all the creatures.” [5]


* Al-Allama Al-Majlisi states in Al-Bihar Book: “Allah indeed defends on Resurrection Day the women of he who replies back at Gheeba that is about the women of his brother believer.” Also he said: “Allah indeed sentences him to heaven he who replies back at Gheeba that is about the women of his brother believer.” [6]


* Al-Hor Al-Amili states in Wasa’el Al-Shia Book: It was reported from Al-Hussein bin Zaid from Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) from his forefathers (Pbut) from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Allah prohibited Gheeba and listening to it and prohibited gossip and listening to it….. He who defends his brother believer from Gheeba in a a gathering that he was in, Allah will defend him from one thousand doors of evil in Donia and Hereafter. If he didn’t defend him and yet he had the power to do that, he is regarded to have did Gheeba against him seventy times.” [7]


* Al-Allama Al-Majlisi states in Al-Bihar Book: It was reported from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “Fire in dry wood is not faster than Gheeba in the righteous deeds of a servant.”


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Suleiman bin Khalid from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “ O Suleiman do you know who is the Muslim?” he said: “May I be sacrificed for your sake, you know better.” The Imam (Pbuh): “The Muslim is the one who people are safe from his tongue and hands. Do you know who is the believer?” He said: “You know better.” The Imam (Pbuh): “The beleiver who people can enturst him with their money and souls.” [8]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Khisal Book: It was reported from Abou Qasim Abdellah bin Ahmad bin Amir bin Suleiman Al-Taee in Al-Basra from his father from Imam Ali Bin Moussa Al-Rida (Pbuh) from his forefathers (Pbut) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “He who isn’t unjust to people when treating them, who doesn’t like when talking to them, who doesn’t break him promise when he promises them, is the one with complete respect, the one with evident justince, the one whom you should be brothers with, and the one whom people are forbidden from talking at him in his behind.” [9]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Dawood bin Sarhan that he asked Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) about Gheeba. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “ It is to say about your brother believer matters that he didn’t do according to religion and so disclose a matter that Allah had covered for him and he wasn’t punished for it.” [10]


* Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khalid Al-Barqi states in Al-Mahasin Book: It was reported from Ibn Abi Ya’four from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “ On Resurrection Day, Allah sends to Khubal Clay he who falsely accuses a believer untill he resolves what he did.” One asked: “What is Khubal Caly?” The Imam (Pbuh) said: “It is a rusty exudate that is secretes by the fornicators’ genitals.” [11]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Aban from Yahya Al-Azraq that Imam Abou Al-Hassan (Pbuh) told him: “Talking about a man in his behind about matters that people already know is not considered as Gheeba. Talking about a man in his behind about matters that he has but people don’t know about it is considered as Gheeba. Saying about him what he doesn’t have is considered as false accusation.” [12]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Amali Book: It was reported from Nawf Al-Bakali that he said that Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “ Avoid Gheeba for it is the food of the dogs of hell.” Then he (Pbuh) said: “ He is a liar he who claims that he is not a bastrad child and yet he eats the flesh of people by Gheeba.” [13]


* Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khalid Al-Barqi states in Al-Mahasin Book: It was reported from Al-Moufadal bin Amr from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “He who narrates a story about a believer seeking to shame him and make him lose respect in the sight of people, Allah removes him from His protection and leaves him for the control of demons.” [14]


* Al-Hor Al-Amili states in Wasa’el Al-Shia Book: It was reported from Hafs bin Omeir from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was asked: “What is the penance of Gheeba?” He (Pbuhp): “ Asking forgiveness to the one you talked about every time you mention him.” [15]


* Al-Allama Al-Majlisi states in Al-Bihar Book: It was reported from Adeem Baya’ Al-Harawi that he said to Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh): “We were told that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) used to say: “ Allah detests the house of meet.” Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “It is the house where the meat of people is eaten. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) used to love meat. Once a woman came to him asking him about a matter while Aisha was with him. That woman was short. So when she left, Aisha said: “She speaks of her shortness by herself.” So He (Pbuhp) said to her: “Go and wash your mouth.” She said: “O Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), did I eat something?” He said: “Wash your mouth because yes you ate.” She coughed a small piece of meat.” [16]

[1] التحفة السنية ص324, الكافي ج2 ص357, عنه البحار ج72 ص220, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص598, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص115 نحوه, الاختصاص ص228 نحوه, عنه البحار ج72 ص260, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص94, تفسير الميزان ج18 ص334.

[2] وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص598, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص118, الأمالي للصدوق ص525, مكارم الاخلاق ص458, عنه البحار ج74 ص73, عوالي اللئالي ج1 ص274, منية المريد ص327, بحار الانوار ج72 ص222, تفسير مجمع البيان ج9 ص228, التفسير الصافي ج5 ص54, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص95.

[3] مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص119, عوالي اللئالي ج1 ص276, بحار الانوار ج72 ص222, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص147, شجرة طوبى ج1 ص194.

[4] منتهى المطلب ج2 ص1013, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص133, عيون الحكم ص27, بحار الانوار ج72 ص226, التحفة السنية ص333,المناقب ص374, جواهر المطالب ج2 ص152.

[5] بحار الانوار ج72 ص226.

[6] بحار الانوار ج72 ص226.

[7] السرائر ج3 ص625, منتهى المطلب ج2 ص1013, من لا يحضره الفقيه ج4 ص15, الأمالي للصدوق ص515, عنه البحار ج72 ص 226, ثواب الاعمال ص284, وسائل الشيعة ح8 ص599, مكارم الاخلاق ص430, مستطرفات السرائر ص624, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص94.

[8] المحاسن ج1 ص285, عنه البحار ج64 ص302, الكافي ج2 ص235, عنه البحار ج64 ص358, وشائل الشيعة ج8 ص597, مشكاة الانوار ص85, السرائر ج3 ص613, من لا يحضره الفقيه ج4 ص352.

[9] الكافي ج2 ص239, الخصال ص208, عنه البحار ج67 ص1/ ج85 ص35, عيون أخبار الرضا (ع) ج1 ص33, مسند الرضا (ع) ص66, وسائل الشيعة ج5 ص393/ ج8 ص597, تحف العقول ص57, مستدرك الوسائل ج17 ص441, عدة الداعي ص175.

[10] الكافي ج2 ص357, عنه البحار ج72 ص240, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص604, التفسير الصافي ج5 ص53, التفسير الاصفى ج2 ص1195, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص94, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص154, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص160.

[11] المحاسن ج1 ص102, كتاب المؤمن ص66, الكافي ج2 ص357, عنه البحار ج72 ص244, معاني الاخبار ص164, ثواب الاعمال ص240, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص603, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص127, مسند الرضا (ع) ص113.

[12] الكافي ج2 ص358, عنه البحار ج72 ص245, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص604, التفسير الصافي ج5 ص53, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص94, مجمع الفائدة ج12 ص355, التحفة السنية ص325, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص159.

[13] الأمالي للصدوق ص277, عنه البحار ج72 ص248/ ج74 ص382, روضة الواعظين ص469, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص600, مشكاة الانوار ص163/ 303 بعضه, الكنى والالقاب ج2 ص89, التحفة السنية ص324, الاحتجاج ج2 ص بعضه45.       

[14] السرائر ج3 ص642, المحاسن ج1 ص103, الكافي ج2 ص358, عنه البحار ج72 ص168, الأمالي للصدوق ص574, ثواب الأعمال ص241, روضة الواعظين ص387, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص608, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص135, الاختصاص ص32, مستطرفات السرائر ص642, مسكاة الأنوار ص156,منية المريد ص328,

[15] الكافي ج2 ص357, عنه البحار ج72 ص241, من لا يحضره الفقيه ج3 ص377, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص606/ ج15 ص583, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص130/ ج15 ص427, الأمالي للمفيد ص172, الأمالي للطوسي ص192, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص94, تفسير الميزان ج18 ص334.

[16] البحار ج63 ص61, عن المحاسن ج2 ص460, عنه أيضاً البحار ج72 ص256.